Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Funny that I would allow children to renew my faith in this civilization. I should have learned by now that just when I think everything is falling apart, it all tends to come back together. Well, some fragments of these idiosyncrasies I deem "life". The longer I live, the more I realize that life has a funny way of redeeming itself just when you need it the most. Granted, my love life is non-existent, but I am much more focused and willing to deal with challenges far beyond menial crap that brings me down. I truly welcome the chaos associated with 70 energetic kids who can think of nothing but the fact that they get to ski for a day rather than sit at their desks. The old part of me would assume a Homeresque stance, prepared to throttle each and every one who suspended themselves at the end of my last nerves. Instead, I found myself having even more fun than the majority and adapting to become a wired, pre-pubescent child with a penchant for becoming a speed demon. Not to mention, I can't recall a time in elementary or junior high where we had a Phys Ed teacher worthy of every girl's idyllic fantasies... Okay, maybe that's just me.

Nonetheless, I do not require a desperate search for a new career at this moment, nor do I feel as discouraged in life as I did a few days ago. Nothing should have such power over me to create tears or frustration beyond huge misfortune. No men, no loneliness, no fears should harm my strength through adversity. Besides, who could be dispirited when they can spend 4 fours on the slopes passing down a passion for the greatest sport in Canada.


Blogger Earth Bound Misfit said...

So you are saying I should be naive, innocent, and fail to care about my future? Naive, I could try, but I believe I have already been far too corrupted with the vision of a not so perfect world. Innocent? Fail to see how "ice" would fall within such innocence... (There's that inside joke idea going again. Luckily you had the "Coles Notes on that one). As for failing to care about what happens tomorrow, I understand that as I tend to live for today more often than not, but I still need to exist if I do wake up in the morning, so I need SOME sort of direction.

I do hear where you are coming from, but perhaps I missed part of the point. I was merely stating that the children picked me up when I was down. That's just what I needed that day.

17 February, 2005  

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