Monday, January 17, 2005

... Is This Thing On?

After sufficient reflection, I have ultimately decided to attempt this phenomenon we call a Blog. For what reason it was named a Blog is beyond me, but it seemed to be a masterful way of inspiring humanity to keep a daily journal on the internet for the whole world to peruse at their whim. Funny how here I am spilling my vacant thoughts upon a blank screen for all to see when there is no apparent rationale behind such an act. Could it be that I am searching for some ultimate answer to questions that plague my soul? Or the fact that I'm not even sure what exactly those questions are? Perhaps I am looking for some reasoning and sanity amidst a world I cannot seem to fathom day to day? Or could it be that I am merely bored?

I think it may rightfully be the latter. I couldn't possibly be so jaded to believe that I would find such answers from a site where people set forth their deepest, darkest secrets and fantasies behind a pretense they came up with in a heartbeat when suddenly faced with "Choose a Nickname". But then, after clicking "Next Blog" for a hundred or so times, I came to the realization that of the percentage of pages I can read (being merely unilingual) I found very few that even peaked my curiousity to read beyond the most recent entry. Now I could just be somewhat particular about what I find of interest, but nothing really kept me enthralled to the point of falling off my chair, or even prompted me to formulate a witty response. Not to say that there aren't many insightful compositions among this site, or that I could communicate anything of any merit or value above and beyond others among us, just that I think I was moderately dissapointed with my findings. I guess I should make note that recognition of my motive for exploring this site in the first place lies solely upon one now fellow 'Blogger' whose company I thoroughly relish and could never come close to matching wits with. Perhaps he is an unfair rival to be compared to and I should re-evaluate my misconceptions. Or maybe I am just forced to hasten my Spanish lessons and learn a third language quicker than I thought.

In reality, I chose to compose my mindless babblings here for a few good reasons:

One, I no longer have sufficient access or time to discuss for hours on end with certain people via Messenger about the meaning of life or, absolutely nothing for that matter. Amazing how with one person I could go for countless hours debating life and all it grants us only to find that some days it appears inevitably meaningless.

Two, that I have found myself in a place in life literally as well as figuratively where I am facing crossroads but still seem to be stuck with no direction.

Three, each day I am challenged with negativity and now feel that I need to overcome this force to emerge as a more positive and confident person who can take any situation and develop a stronger and equally gratifying experience from it. So much easier said than done, but there really is only one place to start.

And Four, because my inspiration for such loquacity sits for days behind a desk in the frozen arctic far from those that love him, so I must endeavor desperately to regale him with any witty banter my equally frozen brain can muster. Not to mention that I have the daunting task of utilizing at least one word he's never seen, let alone used in his life. Such a task will surely make one unavoidably febrile.

I do believe, however, that reasons one, two and four may have propelled me in such direction, but number three fundamentally induced me to actually reconstruct such thoughts into some form of reading material. I must say that considering my obvious scrutiny of other Blogs, I may find myself in the same status upon alternative inspection. Though, if you've read this far either you have absolutely nothing better to do, or I have managed to arouse some form of pixilated fascination. Nonetheless, I have no answers to the questions life thrusts upon us, nor do I claim to be a comedian, pyschologist, or even a very good writer. I do however hope that you don't feel you've just wasted the last few minutes of your life reading my gibberish and that you may stay tuned to my inane ramblings along my path to relative positivity. I will strive to make it a most indominatable journey...


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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  
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28 November, 2019  

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